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Picture of Carrock - Tungsten Mine


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club logo   Association for Industrial Archaeology
Contact: Secretary Year formed: 1973
Email: aia.liaisonoffice [at]  Membership: About 700
Facebook: Not supplied  
  FldM      Publ   
Area of interest: All aspects of industrial archaeology,history and heritage
Main geographical areas:
 Scot   LL   NE   YH   PD   NWM   WM   DC   EMEA   SE 
Classes of membership: Individual £33. Student £21. Affiliated Society £42. Joint £38.
Publications: Industrial Archaeology News published quarterly. 'Industrial Archaeology Review' published twice a year
Archive collection: Held at Ironbridge Institute Library, Shropshire
Artefact collection: None
Sites owned, leased,
licensed or access controlled:
Publicity: Membership leaflet
Services: None offered
  The AlA was established to promote the study of industrial archaeology and to encourage improved standards of recording research, conservation and publication. It aims to assist and support regional and specialist survey and research groups and bodies involved in the preservation of industrial monuments. It holds conferences, seminars and training weekends for its members. It also endeavours to represent the interests of industrial archaeology at the national level, and has been responsible for a nationally accepted policy statement on research priorities in industrial archaeology. The AlA monitor and comment on listed building applications. The AlA obviously has broader interests than mining history and archaeology, but articles on these subjects are regularly published in the 'Industrial Archaeology Review'. In the past, the AlA have run conferences in conjunction with NAHMO. One held in 1989 dealt with the standards of interpretation and presentation of mining sites. Papers from the Conference were published in a special issue of 'Industrial Archaeology Review', Vol.XII (No 1), Autumn 1989, entitled 'Metalliferous Mining' Visits are arranged to surface remains of mines when the Annual Conference is at a suitable location, and references to mine sites are included in the Conference Guides. In the past for example, an AlA conference was held at Newton Abbot, Devon and visited ancient mineral working, granite quarries and tin, copper and iron mines.

Last updated: 23/03/2023

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