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Picture of Carrock - Tungsten Mine


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    Historic England National Monuments Record
Address: National Monuments Record Centre, Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 2GZ Tel: 01793-414600 Fax: 01793-414606
Email: nmrinfo [at]   
Facebook: Not supplied  
Main geographical areas:
 LL   NE   YH   PD   NWM   WM   DC   EMEA   SE 
Activities: The National Monuments Record (NMR), Historic England's extensive public archive, is based in the former GWR General Offices in Swindon. With over eight million photographs of historic buildings and aerial photographs, measured plans and reports, and a database of over 250,000 archaeological monuments in England, it is the first port of call for people interested in the historic environment. View this database on:- - or historic photographs on:-
Connections with mining history: CONNECTIONS WITH MINING HISTORY The NMR is national in scope. Its holdings include aerial photographic coverage for the whole country as well as all the surveys undertaken by the former RCHME, including those of the coal, Cornish tin and Lakeland slate mining industries. Other mining-related material has been deposited with the NMR by researchers, and the NMR's national database of archaeological monuments includes many extractive sites. Phone for details.
Additional information: The public search room is open Tuesday - Friday between 9:30am and 5:00pm. There is free on-site parking at Swindon, clear signposting, toilet facilities for disabled visitors and full access (via ramps and lift) for wheelchair users. Access to consult the NMR is tree of charge and offers:- complete coverage of England in air photographs. - data on most archaeological sites, excavations and archive in England. - records of all listed buildings and scheduled monuments in England. - eight million photographs, plans and reports, which include industrial buildings. - 32,000 reference books and journals, and 300,000 Ordnance Survey historical maps. - specialist staff to help you get the most from the NMR. NB Please pre-book your visit to ensure material is available Publications can be ordered from Historic England Postal Sales on 01761-453408 or via the Historic England website.

Last updated: 21/02/2022

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